Rotating office chair


The Industrial Revolution of the 1970s brought about many innovative changes. The whole transformation was linked to social organisation and a completely different approach to the market, production and the human relationship to health. As industry and work obligations evolved, office furniture had to be developed and adapted to enable people to carry out their duties comfortably. The appearance and design of furniture had to be adapted so that more hours of work in the office would not have negative consequences on the health of employees.


Rotating office chair

Manufacturing office chairs over time…


Office chairs were more or less identical in appearance up to the period mentioned above. The chair had to change its whole appearance for reasons of use and space. New versions of office chairs have emerged, so that we now have the laboratory chair, the industrial chair, the work chair, the ergonomic chair and others. There is now a recommendation for every profession when it comes to this segment of office furniture. It is now known that a properly selected chair can make work much easier. In order to create the ideal ergonomic office chair, a team of experts must give their opinion and the designer must meet all the necessary parameters, taking into account the design, so that the furniture also meets the aesthetic criteria. Physicians immediately found important segments that were missing from the classic office chair model, namely the lumbar support, the ergonomic backrest, the armrests … All these elements represent an important aspect in maintaining and improving the health of employees.


Pisarniski stolPisarniški vrtljivi stolPisarniški vrtljivi stol


Use of the rotating office chair

When used correctly, an ergonomic office chair reduces pressure in the low back and stress in the vertebrae that are under the most pressure. Correct sitting also allows smooth circulation from the upper limbs to the lower limbs and vice versa. Incorrect sitting causes slowed circulation, which affects concentration, alertness and nervousness. Pain in the hips, joints, neck and shoulders is also common in the working sector, which is mostly office-related. People who use a chair properly in the office have greater concentration, creativity and memory power.
Numerous studies carried out over the last few years have confirmed these facts. That is why more and more is being invested in studying and improving the ergo aspect of all office chairs. However, incorrect seating is a common occurrence and back pain is a side effect of this incorrectness. Although many companies invest heavily in professional office furniture and office chairs, many employees do not use these benefits properly.


Rotating office chair


Do not miss out on our offer of ERGONOMIC ROTATING OFFICE CHAIRS!

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