
How to optimise office space with cabinets and racks?

A wide range of different heights, widths and depths of cabinets or racks allows you to create the optimal solution for your office space.

Metal or wooden cabinets and racks combine perfectly with each other to create a functional and modern office.

A space that is tidy offers a more pleasant working environment and increased employee motivation, which is why you need to pay close attention to the right choice of furniture.

A metal cabinet or a wooden cabinet and a metal rack or a wooden rack offer you good organisation and tidiness of your documents. You can store your documents individually, in hanging files or in binders.


kako maksimizirati prostor


Movable in height or supplemented with additional racks, you can optimise the use of your office furniture.

When deciding on the size of a cabinet or rack, bear in mind that it can store twice as many documents as currently required, thus avoiding too frequent reorganisation of the office.

A modern company strives to minimise the amount of paper documents, as digitalisation on the one hand, and ecological awareness on the other, are the future of business, yet practice dictates that there are still many paper documents, so organisation and transparency are essential for smooth business operations.


Check out our range of cabinets and racks!


Contact us today for advice or send us an enquiry for your chosen model!

V spodnji obrazec vpišite svoje želje ali vprašanja . Odgovorili vam bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.
Soglašam, da posredovane osebne podatke hranite in uporabite, da me prek e-naslova ali telefona občasno obveščate o: